
lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012


In class we have seen that there are 8 types of intelligence people can develop, discovered by Howard Gardner:

1.      Linguistic and verbal intelligence: good with words
2.      Logical intelligence: good with math and logic
3.      Verbal/Spatial intelligence: good with pictures
4.      Body/movement intelligence: good with activities
5.      Musical intelligence: good with rhythm
6.      Interpersonal intelligence: good with communication
7.      Intrapersonal intelligence: good with analyzing things
8.      Naturalist intelligence: good with understanding natural world .

Gardner argues that there is a wide range of cognitive abilities, and that there are only very weak correlations among them. For example, the theory postulates that a child who learns to multiply easily is not necessarily more intelligent than a child who has more difficulty on this task.
What happens usually is that people  tend to develop some  intelligences more   than others. One person can be very good at math, another one can be great musician. However it doesn´t mean than the first one is more intelligent than the second one.  

Being intelligent does not always mean that someone tests well. There are always students who don´t fit the mold; they may be bright, but they don´t excel on tests. Gardner's theory gives us a way of beginning to understand those students. Following his theory we would look at what they could do well, instead of what they could not do.

As a future teachers we should try to develop multiple intelligences in our classes , paying attention to all students  and giving them the opportunity  to succeed.

“Being fast and not very spatial doesn't make you any better in spatial kinds of things; you probably just get the wrong answer more quickly.” ( Howard Gardner )

In class of Didactics we have done presentations on different types of intelligences.  My group worked on Visual Intelligence.  Here is the Power Point: 

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